Diagnosis, treatment, and patient follow-up with acute and chronic hepato-biliary diseases.
Specifically, it should be pointed out that viral hepatitis (A, B, C), hepatocellular carcinoma, alcoholic liver disease, steatohepatitis, but also autoimmune liver diseases are common in our country and they require a special diagnostic process.
We also pay special attention to preventive medicine (e.g. dietary consulting, vaccination), but also to timely, accurate diagnosis which is accomplished through the appropriate simple, but effective diagnostic methods (liver ultrasound, viral, and neoplasmatic indexes).
HYGEIA Hospital laboratories carry out highly accurate diagnostic tests for liver disease which are accompanied by special state-of-the-art depictive research and the highly determinative for final diagnosis liver needle biopsy. The specific modern image technique, Fibroscan, which will be acquired by HYGEIA Hospital soon, will enrich our diagnostic capability as a valuable method.