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Conference on the Latest Developments in Obesity

12 March 2018

Obesity data for Greece is quite alarming, given that 6 out of 10 adults are overweight or obese. Men are more likely to become overweight, while on the contrary women are more likely to become obese, with the highest rates among the 50-64 age group for those who are overweight. Around 50% of men run a higher risk of developing metabolic complications, while on average 1 in 10 adults living permanently in Greece has said that they suffer from diabetes mellitus.

Moreover, eating at wrong times disrupts the circadian rhythm (24-hour biological rhythm), leading to adverse metabolic consequences. Recent studies have shown that the time when the main meal is consumed may predict the success rate of weight loss during a diet regimen in obese individuals.

These were some of the topics discussed during a conference on “Obesity, Disease and Threat. Latest Developments”, jointly organized by the 1st Internal Medicine Clinic of MITERA Hospital, a member of HYGEIA Group, and theDepartment of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University. The event was held at Aigli Zappeiou on March 9 and 10, 2018 and was attended by numerous HYGEIA Group doctors and other healthcare professionals.

As noted by the Organizing Committee Chairwoman and Director of the MITERA Hospital 1st Internal Medicine Clinic, Dr Eleftheria Krikeli, “Obesity is the morbid outcome of bad nutrition, as well as wrong meal distribution over the course of the day and lack of regular physical exercise. This results in complete disruption of the circadian rhythms in the body organs in relation to the main synchronizer, our biological clock, which is located in our brain. Any weight increase must be managed right away, when the lipocytes have only increased in size and not in number, in which case it is more likely to maintain one’s normal body weight in the long run.”

Ms Krikeli further added, “Keeping and adhering to proper meal distribution during the day (time-restricted feeding) combined with exercise are key to maintaining a steady normal body weight, protecting our health, and preventing obesity and diabetes mellitus. The Mediterranean diet is a good example of a balanced diet.”