Attending Surgeon at “Hygeia” Hospital (8/10/1985 to 31/7/1994).
Attending Supervisor Surgeon of the surgical department at “Hygeia” Hospital with administrative and educational responsibilities (June 1991 to February 1997)
Scientifical Associate of “Hygeia” Hospital (March 1986 to today)
Surgical Treatment of the elderly. (National Medical Congress. Cyprus 1982)
Surgery of the biliary ducts in the elderly. (9th Annual National Medical Congress. Athens 18 – 22/3/1983)
Tumor of the mesentery and the omentum. (National Medical Congress. Volos 24 – 27/6/1983)
Benign non lithiasic diseases of extra-hepatic biliary ducts. (5th National Congress of Radiology. Athens 8 – 11/3/1984)
Surgery of the retained stones of common bile duct. (14th National Medical Congress. Athens 30/9/1984 – 3/10/1984)
Early post-operational complications in 10.121 cases of abdominal operations. (14th National Congress of Surgery. Athens 30/9/1984 – 3/10/1984)
One Day Surgery (2nd European Congress on Ambulatory Surgery. Brussels 19 – 20/3/1993)
One Day Surgery – A New Approach. (1st International Symposium “Technology and Health Cost”. Athens 6 – 7/5/1994)
Two Phase II Studies with the Combination of Oxaliplatin (L-OHP) + 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) + Leucovorin (LV) as First Line Treatment in Pts with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MCC). (New Orleans, LA, 20 – 23/5/2000)
Call us on 2106867000 to book an appointment with the medical specialist or the department you are interested in.
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