Graduated from the Medical University of Pecs, Hungary
PhD, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece
Postgraduate Certificate with title «Diploma in Mountain Medicine» awarded by the University of Leicester, U.K., Administered by Medical Expedition in association with Union Internationale des Association d’Alpinisme (U.I.A.A.) – International Commission for Alpine Rescue (IKAR) – International Society for Mountain Medicine (ISMM)
“Correlation of molecular HLA typing and outcome in high-risk melanoma patients and hematology patients receiving interferon”. The project took place at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, in the 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Laiko Hospital, Athens, Greece (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. E. Goga).
7/8/2013 – 31/8/2013 King’s Mill Hospital, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK-Locum Specialist Registrar in General (Respiratory) & Acute Medicine
29/7/2013 – 6/8/2013 Royal Derby Hospital, Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK-Locum Specialist Registrar in Acute Medicine at Medical Assessment Unit
2/4/2013 – 31/6/2013 Scarborough Hospital, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK-Trust Grade, General (Respiratory) & Acute Medicine
4/3/2013 – 28/3/2013 Inverclyde Royal Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK-Locum Specialist Registrar in Acute/General Medicine
11/2/2013 – 22/2/2013 Scarborough Hospital, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK-Clinical attachment in Acute Medicine
1/2/2008 – 1/2/2010 «SOS Doctors Direct Ltd»-Associate Physician paying house calls
1/7/2006 – 16/1/2008 «Evgenidion Hospital»-Consultant in Internal Medicine, Associate Physician
6/2006 Completion of Specialist training in «Internal Medicine» (Prefecture of Athens)
2/1/2002 – 11/3/2006 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Laiko Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Athens -Resident in Internal Medicine
3/1998 – 1/1999 251 Greek Air Force Military HospitalCardiology Department-Resident in Internal Medicine
9/1997 – 3/1998 120 Air Force Unit (Kalamata)-Sergeant doctor
Training Experience:
12/2014 – Present Instructor in “ATLS” Advanced Trauma Life Support,
(13-14/12/2014 Instructor course. American College of Surgeons – Hellenic Chapter, Hellenic National Center, University of Patras – Medical School – Department of Surgery. Course serial no 46203-I )
6/2014 – present Instructor in Basic Life Support – Automate
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