1991-1997 Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania Medicine Degree Grade: Excellent (9.69/10)
11/1998-11/2003 Specialty: Anesthesiology Department, Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens
5/2002-8/2002 Educational Leave: Attendance and active participation, Anesthesiology Department, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK
14/02/2003 Hyperbaric Medicine Training Certificate, London Hyperbaric Medicine Ltd.
08/2008 Attendance and active participation, Anesthesiology Department, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland, specializing in Neuroanesthesiology
2000: Candidate PhD student, University of Athens Medical School. Topic: “Comparative Study of Hemodynamic Changes between Open and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with ODM II”
Kouroukli E., Lampropoulou A., Agianniotaki E., Zompolas V., Pantazi A., Georgiou L. “Se-curing the Airway”. Hellenic Otorhinolaryngology, Brain and Neck Surgery, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2000: 20-24.
Kouroukli I., Labropoulou K., Louisos Α., Agianniotaki Ε., Κrepi Ε., Georgiou L. “Spinal an-aesthesia for transurethral procedures. A double-blind comparison of 0.5% and 0.75% Ropivacaine”. The International Monitoring, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2000: 163.
Agianniotaki E., Tsirtsiridou B., Labropoulou K., Kristoloveanou K., Georgiou L. “Assessment of direct postoperative pain in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholocystectomy. Compari-son of Lornoxicam and Ketoprofen intramuscular administration”. The International Monitor-ing”, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2000: 242.
Agianniotaki E., Kremastinou F., Xistra A., Labropoulou K., Kouroukli I., Georgiou L. “Opti-mal dose of propofol for ODMII placement in patients undergoing regional anaesthesia”. Mi-nerva Anaistesiologica, Vol. 67, Suppl. 1, No. 5, May 2000: 361.
Agianniotaki E., Perdiou M.F., Labropoulou K., Kouroukli I., Rapti D., Georgiou L. “In-traoperative fluctuations of PCO2 during laparoscopic cholocystectomy”. Minerva Anaistesio-logica, Vol. 67, Suppl. 1, No. 5, May 2000: 220.
Agianniotaki E., Louisos Α., Kouroukli I., Spetsaki Μ., Georgiou L. “Haemodynamic changes connected with tracheal intubation in smokers”. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Suppl. 21), April 2001: 46.
Agianniotaki E., kondoudi M, Xistra A, Kouroukli E, Lampropulou A, Georgiou L “Evaluation of Recovery Characteristics between Desflurane and Sevoflurane using BIS”. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Vol. 19 (Suppl. 24), April 2002: 27.
Agianniotaki E., Kouroukli E, Papadaki E, Fotiou G, Tsirtsiridou B, Georgiou L, “Predicting factors of hypothermia during combined (general-epidural anaesthesia”. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Vol. 19, (Suppl. 24), April 2002: 14.
Agianniotaki E., Kontoudi M., Tsirtsiridou V., Oikonomou A., Georgiou L. “Comparative study of immediate resuscitation time between desflurane and sevoflurane”. Greek Anesthesiolo-gy, No. 37, June 2003: 131-134.
Kontoudi M., Agianniotaki E., Tsirtsiridou V., Oikonomou A., Georgiou L. “Titration of desflu-rane in elderly patients during upper abdominal surgery using BIS”. Greek Anesthesiology, No. 37, June 2003: 131-134.
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