Graduate of the Military Medical School, Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki. Since then served as a permanent officer-Doctor of the Navy.
I was awarded the degree of specialist Physician in Internal Medicine ,from Medical University of Thessaloniki.
1980: After completing my thesis on “ Antibodies to a liver specific membarane franction (L.S.P), in patients with liver disease”, at the King’s College London Hospital , Liver Unit, I was awarded the M.D title.
1987: I was nominated assist. Prof. at Ioannina University, of Greece. The research project for my thesis was completed at the Liver Unit of the King’s College London Hospital on: “ Detection of antibodies against a liver specific lipoprotein from different species, in the serum of patients in different stages of acute viral (type “A” and “B”) hepatitis.”
1975-1978: Senior Registrar of the 1st Division of Internal Medicine Dpt. Of Naval Hospital Athens.
1979-1981: Postgraduate in Liver Disease Unit of King’s College Hospital London, being Honorary Senior Registrar and Research Fellow.
1982-1993: Director of the First Department of Internal Medicine and Hepatology Department, Athens Naval Hospital During that time I organized for the first time the Liver Unit of the Naval Hospital of Athens
1993: Honorary discharged from the Navy with the rank of Commodore – Physician.
1993-2005: Affiliated full time as a Consultant Physisian- Hepatologist at”Hygeia” , Athens Hospital.
From April 2011: I am fully occupied as a Consultant Physician –Hepatologist at “Hygeia” Athens Hospital.
Perperas et Al: Perylated Interferon Alfa-2b, Pen Device and Ribavirin treatment, for patients with Chronic Hepatitis “C”: An evaluation of the patient’s satisfaction, European J. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 22 (9); 2010
Perperas et Al: Pretreatment serum Interleukin-12 levels in predicting sustained virological response, among hepatitis “C” patients, following pegylated interferon – alpha-2b plus ribavirin treatment. Annals of Gastroenterology. February 14,2013
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